Tuesday, April 24, 2007

MindFreedom Update

Stop Media Bias on Coverage of Virginia Tech & Mental Health Issues!

Many national media are running one-sided shows calling for more forced psychiatric drugging, more psychiatric institutions, and easier commitment laws. This is a wrong and too-simplistic reply to the Virginia Tech tragedies.

MindFreedom asks media to cover *both* sides of the story! On the forced drugging issues, let's especially hear from people on the "sharp end of the needle"!

MFI has created an online Info Center with updates about mental health issues arising from the Virginia Tech tragedy, such as:

National Public Radio will air psychiatric survivor perspective!

On Tuesday, 24 April 2007 at 2 pm ET, MindFreedom director David Oaks will discuss his own experiences with forced psychiatric drugging on the National Public Radio live radio national show "Talk of the Nation." After David's and other's personal stories, there will be an open call-in show where you can comment. For info on the show see http://www.npr.org and use the pull-down menu.

For MFI Info Center on Virginia Tech see:


Special Show: Live Internet Radio Call-In About Virginia Tech Tragedy & Mental Health Issues

As well as the Tuesday NPR national radio show, you may listen LIVE and call in to MindFreedom's own Internet radio show, this Wednesday, 25 April, 4 pm ET.

Host David Oaks will have latest updates about mental health human rights issues emerging from Virginia Tech. You may phone in your questions and comments live from anywhere in the world (toll free in the USA). Or e-mail in your questions at any time to radio@mindfreedom.org and your comments and questions may be read on the air.

Listen free to LIVE MindFreedom radio on Wednesdays at 4 pm ET by clicking on http://www.prncomm.net

And this update on Shock Treatment

Several news developments on the campaign for electroshock and human rights:

* Bapu Trust in Pune, India -- a sponsor group of MindFreedom -- attends an industry promotion of electroshock. Read their insightful news analysis about the push for more electroshock in India and other poor and developing countries.

* Receiving hundreds of forced electroshocks for years against the expressed wishes of the subject is becoming the "norm" for some mental health clients in New York State psychiatric institutions, says attorney Dennis Feld. Read this news release by Mr. Feld announcing he will be arguing for the right of his client -- Simone D. -- to resist more forced electroshock in a New York State High Court.

* Toronto is holding an anti-electroshock protest on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 13, 2007, in front of Queen’s Park, Toronto, Canada at 2 pm. The focus is the way abusive psychiatrists are giving electroshock to older women. Download their poster.

* The campaign continues to fire a psychiatrist in New Zealand who not only gave forced electroshock... but then filed an ethics complaint against the New Zealand TV station who aired the victim's story!

All this electroshock campaign news and more at:


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