Wednesday, April 18, 2007


MADMAN is how Fox is now describing the shooter. I wonder if they even read what it says in their own story...

According to court papers, on Dec. 13, 2005, a magistrate ordered Cho to undergo an evaluation at Carilion St. Albans Hospital. The magistrate signed the order because of evidence Cho was a danger to himself or others as a result of mental illness. The next day, according to court records, a special justice approved outpatient treatment for Cho.

A medical examination conducted Dec. 14 found that Cho's "affect is flat. ... He denies suicidal ideations. He does not acknowledge symptoms of a thought disorder. His insight and judgment are normal."

It is unclear how long Cho stayed at Carilion, though court papers indicate he was free to leave as of Dec. 14. Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker said Cho had been continually enrolled at Tech and never took a leave of absence.

My friends at sent this out in a e-mail today

MindFreedom Statement on Virginia Tech Massacre

MindFreedom is calling for an immediate and complete investigation of all aspects of the involvement of the mental health system with Cho Seung-Hui, the apparent shooter in the Virginia Tech Massacre.

What psychiatric drugs were prescribed? What role if any did
prescribed psychiatric drugs play in this tragedy? How effective was
the care offered to Cho Seung-Hui? What else could have been done?
I have a problem with the shooter being called a madman. I have dealt with mental illness for greater part of my life from both the patient and professional side. I had to deal with the stigma of mental illness for many years. People seem to believe that people suffering from these illness are violent and that is just not true. In fact 99% of folks that deal with mental illness every day in their lives are not violent. In most cases they are the ones that are being abused in hospitals and MH programs every day. A possibility that if Cho was on Psychotropic drugs or withdrawing from them, they might have cause him to kill. There have been many studies done about some of these newer drugs and the FDA has issued warning to this fact. That is what Mindfreedoms statement is alluding to.
More info on MindFreedom...

MindFreedom is a nonprofit human rights group that unites 100 sponsor
and affiliate groups with individual members, and is accredited by
the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with
Consultative Roster Status.

MindFreedom is one of the very few totally independent groups in the
mental health field with no funding from governments, drug companies,
religions, corporations, or the mental health system. While most of
MindFreedom's members are psychiatric survivors, *all* who support
human rights are invited to join and become active leaders.

1 comment:

MysticSeaMaiden said...

Very informative, thank you for giving this info. I hope to hear more if in fact Cho was on any meds taht could have lead to the shooting.