Sunday, April 22, 2007

A message from the Six Nations to the UN and the world

I received this Message from the AREN e-mail list some time ago.

Doreen Silversmith of Six Nations delivered this to the United Nations
Permanent Forum on Indigenous People on Monday, May 1st 2006.

Message from the Onkwehonweh to the United Nations


I come to you today with a message. A message of Peace from the
Onkwehonweh, Original People Of The Land. This is not a new
message, it is Ancient, as are the Onkwehonweh. It is the Message
and Law of the Universe, Earth included. We call this Message and
Law, Kaianereh'kowa, State Of Peace. All People must live under
this law or pay the price, and that price is War, although the
Onkwehonweh choose Peace. At times Peace has existed upon the
Earth, today unfortunately, Peace is rare. Peace exists in the Hearts
and Minds of what would seem few, but we know, to be the
overwhelming, People of the Earth.

The message of peace, though, has been drowned out, by
corporations and their leaders of the World. Today, all across the
Earth, Nations are engaging in War, under another message, Greed
For Power. When people representing the Kings and Queens of
European corporations, came to this land, we offered peace, believing
them to be Nations. Had we known, they were not real or their real
intent, things may have been different, but they lied. Better yet,
they consistently lied, to every Aboriginal Nation they encountered.
These Kings and Queens, under instructions and de facto Authority from
their Popes and HOLY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, said "Holy See",
committed Atrocities and Genocide to every Aboriginal People, at
every corner of the Earth. Our heartaches are felt worldwide.

It is with a heavy heart that this message is being brought to your
attention. For many years we have hoped to have had the opportunity
to address the concerns of our people at your forum, to gain your
support, understanding and respect; for the Oldest and Supreme Law
of the Universe, the Kaianereh'ko:wa, State Of Peace. Our People of
the Original Nations are the keepers and protectors of the Law.
Unfortunately, it is as it always is all over the world; only when
there is a crisis, do we take the time to listen, to care and understand.
The Onkwehonweh, are indeed, in a serious and volatile situation brought
on by the irresponsible and genocidal practices of the corporation
you call CANADA.

On April 20, 2006, ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE (OPP), a paramilitary
weapon of CANADA, attempted to force the Onkwehonweh from our
Land, by Force of Arms. The OPP, underestimated our resolve, to
peacefully maintain hold of our Land.

The attack by the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) in what they say,
was in accordance with a provincial court injunction, which, resulted in 16
people being taken hostage, two of them requiring hospital treatment.
Women were beaten, an elder man thrown to the ground, for just
walking toward them trying to peacefully talk to them. Some of our
people were pepper-sprayed and even shot with taser guns, all the
while peacefully asserting our Authority and upholding our Law.

This parcel of land that has been the focal point where our people
have gathered, are Land to which the Women, as titleholders to the
land, according to our Kaianereh'ko:wa, have been protecting. The
men, in accordance with the Kaianereh'ko:wa, are supporting and
protecting the Women. This same Land has been tied up in Canada's
land claim process for over 20 years, brought on by the elective
band council, an arm of the federal government. This legislated
system, was created by the Indian Act of 1876 and was forced upon
us at gunpoint in 1924 by the RCMP and repeated again in 1959.
It is not a lawful government, nor is it a system which the traditional
people can support or have a voice in. This is the same Land which
Henco Industries has been allowed to clear, build roads and begin
the construction of several homes regardless of the continued and
historical position of the Onkwehonweh.

After the Treaty of Granada, 1492, the HOLY ROMAN CATHOLIC
CHURCH, knowingly brought their Crusade to this Land. Britain soon
took the charge on the Pope's crusade. Under British Monarch's
charter to EAST INDIA COMPANY, the corporations of ENGLAND,
invaded the World. They established other corporations like UNITED
STATES and CANADA, imitating Nations. The UNITED STATES and
CANADA have now taken a lead role in the Church's Crusade.

Our People, represent and uphold the oldest Law of the Universe, the
Kaianereh'ko:wa, the Supreme Law of the Land. It is the basis by
which the constitution acts of the corporations of the Crown; being
the UNITED STATES and CANADA, were built from. Our laws were
written in stone, never to be abrogated, and according to the late Pope
John Paul II when referring to Canada's laws…. " it's not the law,
it's only paper ". The basic principals outlined in the Kaianereh'ko:wa are
that of Peace, Power & Righteousness based on Ganohkwashra…Love
all around us. We continue to uphold those principles to this day,
despite Crown actions to undermine and usurp our authority over our

Today, many Onkwehonweh are corralled on parcels of land the UNITED
STATES and CANADA called Reservations; the rest of the world calls
them Concentration Camps. The Onkwehonweh, Original People Of The
Land, being Aboriginal People of the Earth are the true Original

We are all from one Creation, under the one Supreme Law of the
Universe, Kaianereh'ko:wa. Title to the Land rests in our women for the
generations yet to come.

We also maintain that the relationship with Crown is based on the
principles outlined in the Two Row Wampum. We would travel together,
each in our own vessel, on distinct and separate paths; never to
interferer with the Laws of each other. Again, we abide by those principles
outlined in the Two Row Wampum. Canada has clearly portrayed the message that
" might is right ". When a situation of ownership is challenged, their laws
allow them to continue to reap the benefits of our Land, destroy our
environment, and clearly ignore the truth of the Onkwehonweh, the real
people, who hold title to the Land. When challenged to provide the
proof, they resort to guns and army tanks. Canada has violated the Two Row
Wampum Treaty.

In it's continuing policy of Genocide, the corporation of CANADA has
attempted to usurp our title. The Onkwehonweh, in and around so-c
alled Six Nations Reserve, have now, under Kaianereh'ko:wa, State of
Peace, exercised our Title and Right to the Land.

The Onkwehonweh require your assistance, with respect to our Law,
our Treaties, including the Two Row Wampum, and in effect, the
Authority with respect to our Land, Our Law and Our People. We are
the true Sovereign, and we are asking our Friends and Allies to
intervene in this situation. We need support on an international level, to have
someone who has no interest in the outcome, to act as mediator, to
oversee the negotiations and discussions that are taking place
between delegates of the Onkwehonweh and delegates of the Crown.

According to Kaianereh'ko:wa, Authority rests in the Women. When
needed the Rotisken'rake'the, Men Who Carry The Peace, are called
to enforce the Peace. What ever Original Nation we are from our sons
and daughters, attempting to establish the Peace, are dying at the
hands of the crusaders, sanctioned by the HOLY ROMAN CATHOLIC
CHURCH. The church preaches peace, but their warlike actions speak

By who's Authority do we establish Peace? The Women of the Earth,
hold that Authority of Peace. Peace for this Planet, many call Earth,
can only have its foundation by the Authority, the Women of the Earth.

Nya Weh

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