Saturday, May 31, 2008


Definition of a Political Blog:
A political blog is a common type of blog that comments on politics. In liberal democracies the right to criticize the government without interference is considered an important element of free speech. In other jurisdictions bloggers use the uncensored nature of the internet to bypass state controlled news media.

I have seen a lot of hateful comments being left on this blog as of late. I am also getting hate e-mails, yet I am the one being called hateful as well as being misdiagnosed as depressed.

Here are just a few of the Statements I have received: "It as if you are dictating to me that any opposition to what is placed on your blog will not be tolerated, You leave me perplexed as to why you would want speak in misnomers and bogus statements and leading people astray, But then I do know that you are dealing with some pain and I see it getting more intense in you. And this is what is causeing all this consternation in you., It is hard to watch you deal with all this turmiol in your life."

On a personal note here. I have never felt better mentally in my life and I am Happy.

I stated this blog cause I got fed up with the Media spewing their lies and the lies that we have been told by the Bush Administration. Some people may hold my views as unacceptable, some people even hate me for them. Such is life.

For those of you who expect me to change the blog to their views, to cower down to their ideas of whats going on in the world, they are sadly mistaken. If you don't like whats posted here, start your own blog.

I will not tolerate any Sexist Comments or Racist Comments. I will not tolerate any who can not understand that other countries laws, cultures and way of life is different that theirs. This should be celebrated not condemned . I will not tolerate anyone who can't think outside the box who always thinks that the US and Israel are always right.

In ending let me say this:

I have many Muslim friends who have suffered because of the US and Israel. Some have lost their homes, some have family members that have been killed. These folks aren't terrorists or member of any political party in the Middle East. If you wish get out of your box and check out a friends website Window Into Palestine . You just might get a different perception on things.

Do not become the enemy you fear.

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