Thursday, May 1, 2008

5th Anniversary Of "Mission Accomplished"


Anonymous said...

I was just looking back over the last eight years and I must say "I AM SO GLAD JOHN KERRY IS NOT MY PRESIDENT"
All the ups and downs we have seen in the whitehaouse."I THANK GOD EVERYNIGHT THAT JOHN KERRY IS NOT MY PRESIDENT"
What ever happened that the people voted in George Bush, I THANK THE STARS THAT JOHN KERRY IS NOT MY PRESIDENT
Here we are at another voting year and from what I seei AM SO GLAD NO ONE FROM THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY WILL BE VORTED IN AS PRESDIENT.
I would vote for a third party if one presented it's self that had the heart of America in it's douctrine

Anonymous said...

It may have something to do with his brother being the governor of Florida and a recount. George Bush I mean.
You can not rule out the dems just yet.
Yes I agree I think quite a few would vote for a third party if given a choice.

Anonymous said...

Ok lets look at the last two hundred years or so ,America has always been given the right people at the right time to deal with crisises.I believe God has blessed this country because we are the most generiuos sons of bitches on the face of this planet.The US feeds 66% of the populaion of the earth.It is the most powerful nation in this world That is what it takes to over come evil a very mighty effort to rid the planet of the evil that that use to reside here.I see this war and I do hate it so as good over coming evil.There is war even in the realms of heaven so the bible says.But maybe it is time for e vil to give up it's grip on this planet. And after these "Dark Ones" are gone from here world peace can be obtained and we are here at this time to witness this blessed event.We are moving to a new day of understanding
Whoa shit did all that come out of me?

Anonymous said...

I agree America is a generous nation.It may well feed 66% of the population.China concerns me some what. their manufacturing skills are at an all time high.
Then another thing that bothers me, is the depletion in the honey bees
by around 50%. I feel it is time to stop this war before America becomes a third world nation.

Anonymous said...

Stop the war?Not till those who think it is OK to hijack 747s and use them to murder our citizens are gone or atleast put in a behavioural modification program of some sort
I love America and I really want to shit on those t who's thinking is kill in the name of God.

Anonymous said...

yeah what bugs me with those that puport to kill in the name of Allah.ya don't see any head honchos blowing themselves up to meet the vestal virgins. they step back and leave it to the gullable ones.

Anonymous said...

There is an organization "The Boneheads" they claim to hate any body who hates any body and vows to hunt them down anad kill them.
You think Eva Braun and Adlof hitler did themselves in Oh no the boneheas got em.Zarqoweri was found aftee the v bones haeds got ot him a beat him unconscience so they could bomber his terrorist ass.
Look for a skull in the ski

Anonymous said...

Over the time I have spent on this planet I have searched for the "True religion" and I have come to adopt the religion as it exist in the relams of heavn an believe me thre is nothng like ot on the face of this world Are you ready the religion in heaven is there is no religion in heaven just love for God and the desire to be of service to one another.That is it .All this tuff wearing a yamaca,berka, habit , robes ect are not bringing one closer to the creator.Not eating pork, meat all these things are man made .Remamber God has given you freedom of will .Anything that restricts that will is not of God.I swear Satan created religion to keep us confused and hating one and other
Yeah when religion is done away with then the hate will be gone and people will see alot more clearly what is their destiny is an knowwe are here only for a hoe rt time so might as well be of help tp o one another for the time you have left here

Anonymous said...

I have often thought if Jesus was alive today, here.
What would he make of the wealth in the churches !
Of the gold festooned alters and the cardinals with their immaculate ,fancy clothes.While there are poor people, being told every week to contribute to the church funds.!!
While there are people staving and homeless.
help others , harm none.

Anonymous said...

Pomp and circumstances it not the way of those looking for God.Lets go back to it's beinings there were no "Churhes" to go to. Enoch,Noah .No churhes form them to go to.Abraham, David all went ti o the wilderness to get intouch with God.Even Jesus the christ went to the wilderness after he was baptised.
Gold jwels ect. All stuff of living on this third dimention.A No matter how much of this stuff you accumulate hee you will leave it be hind h when it is your turn to pass.You can count on that because no one has got passed death so far.Atleast no one I have ever herd of.But it is the way and so you might as well be of help to those you will be leaving behind.Imean how much mony dose one need.I figure make enough to buy the last pair of genes I will ever wear.The last bits of food I will eat .How much more dose one need beyond that?

Anonymous said...

Watch a movie."THe Name Of the Rose"

Anonymous said...

Put the flags up someone! :)

hey you n I agree on something.

Yes there is no need for the
wealth in the churches.We do not even need a church to pray.