Reminding People Why We Invaded Iraq
Scott Ritter: Weapons of Mass Delusion
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Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
6:12 AM
Now Sadam did have WMD and used them on his own people. He gased thousands of Kurds.Where was the UN then? Oh yes Sadam owned the UN and got away with doing such and act to his own people.
One of his Generals who was intorrgated siad it was his job to take all the WMD and bury them in the Baka Valley in Syria just before war broke out.Why is this not made more widely known.I feel I am not beieng told that whole story just what this fellow wants be to believe
I still say the world is better off with out Sadam and his sons.And surely one can see that the Iraqi peole live a better life and have a brighter future than when Sadam and his sons ruled.The world is so much better off with out them
Shit thes guys would take people who oppsed them wrap them up in duct tape and feed them into a wood chipper in front of a stadium for of the people some they fed in head first.I do not think one needs to be told that that is acts of evil.And coalition of forces overcame that regime.There was no other way for the Iraqi people to rid their county of the fear they lived in.You do know if one would say something bad about the bath party pretty soon a couple of guys from that government would come to your haouse drag you out into the street and have your tounge cut out.
This guy oppsoses getting rid of people who think like this?He bitches aboiut America but not about the regime that was replaced by that F**king war?
Gee wilickers Bali, Spain,England America,Germany.Russia,The Philippines,Japan,Saudie Arabia all have a had terrorist attacks forced upon them.I say terrorist have started the war on the rest of the peoples of this planet.
It appears to me that these terroist are like flies they feed off of bullshit and bother people.
I see there is the rest of the world and the terroist.This is the lowest denominator there is .Either you are for those who rule with terror and those that don not.
Spirtaully what is happening is a cleansing takeing place by ridding this world of the "darke ones" the "shadow peoples" if you will.There is a better day coming for us earthlings an terrorist can not be apart of that there for it to be good.Believe that the "universe is unfolding just as it should ".That we as a people are moving away from rulling by tyranny to that of a life in freedom from being terrorized.
I want to take you to a movie KPAC where Prot says evrey creature in the universe knows what is right and wrong.
This war, what is right and what is wrong. Many and especially the Taliban and Al Queda will cloud this issues so as to present themselves as the victims heres they are not. I say to them we love you come and enjoy the party.Remember what gose around comes around if you murder one of us it will haopen to you.
I do not see this happening untill this world adopts the religon as ie exists in heaven.Thee is nothing like like here now. IT is, thee is no religon in heaven just love for God and the desire to be of help to one another.,This is what I beloive and the is is what I spread.
Hey art if you had a shorter film this comment would not have been so long been.Gave me blisters on my finger tips damn them terrorists it is all their fault you know
A President deleting facts, never!
I fail to see what difference the physique of a weapons inspector has to do with the invasion of Iraq!
Saddam did Not own the U N ! How can you say that !
I am not saying Saddam and his regime were right, far from it.
Yes, the world is always better off without tyrants. Just look at Italy withou Mussolini and Germany/Austria without Hitler.
I feel we the British people and you the American people were not told the whole truth, by our respective governments.
" So what's new."
There are forces out there not just wanting to harm America.
Yeah , this I agree with but who lied to the American people in
WW1, ,WW2 and the Vietnam war???
Didn't Hitler want a cleansing when they massacred thousands of Jews?
Hey you anon, I agree spreading LOVE is better than spreading war.
Oh blisters will heal .:)
Did not own the UN.? He paid off many people there to look the other way.This man sat on the human rights commitee.As this clip states they U.N. t inspectore were lied to all the time.
WE gotta stick to the facts like Ellwood P.Doud would say
Scott Ritter was a Weapons Inspector, you can tell when someone doesn't watch the video.
Just for clarity I am calling myself anon 2. Since I made the second comment on this topic/video.
If that is ok with you mr moderator Aka Wolf :)
If by UN you are making reference
to the "United Nations." then to say Saddam owned them is a load of B.S.
I know Scott Ritter was a weapons inspector , I did watch the video.
Who is this guy Ellwood P Doud???
Sadam Husein sat on the human rights commity of the UN while he gassed the Kurds.He paid Kafiana to look the otherway.That is no B.S. my friend.He used oil profits to bribe UN officals.
Ellwood P. Doud? He and Harvey the 6'3" rabbit use to hang out together."Harvey' done by Jimmy Stewart or Harry Anderson is a movie with Ellwood P. Doud in it
I think I will be anon.#4, #13 and I like 24th too.I do not like sloopy seconds or sloopy fifths
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