Obama takes on McCain/Bush
Speaking before an audience in Watertown, South Dakota, Barack Obama responded to President Bush's extreme attacks yesterday.
The Wolf Credo: Respect the elders. Teach the young. Cooperate with the pack. Play when you can. Hunt when you must. Rest in between. Share your affections. Voice your feelings. Leave your mark.
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
9:28 AM
At least Obama is for ending the war.
I think every one but the terrorist are in faver of ending the war.
I have heard Obama and his rhetoric is not that which will win he war and this war needs to be won.It will be the one who ha shown the most ingetrity who will be in the Whitehause next.I do not see that comuing from the Dems
I think the average American has had enough of the Republicans!But hey what do I know I'm a Brit.:)
Guess we will not need to speculate come November.
Yes another Party would make a positive difference but as an American I do not see anything better comming from the Dems.THey talk about negosiating with trrorist and that has already been done with a disaterious out come.
Spiritually I see McCain will win this race not because I wish this but it is written in the stars.I mean this guy will make the positve difference that will win this war and we here on earth will not have war on this planet for a long.long time
talk about negotiating with terrorist didn't you watch the video posted: Bush Admin. negotiates with Lybia, N. Korea, and Iran. You always buy into Bushes Bullshit.
Not Bush's bullshit but Gods bullshit I buy into.,It really dose not make a difference to me.My tour of duty here is close to being done and those left behind will have to dal with all this .You seem to focus on George Bushes 'Bullshit' and nobody elses.Not Al Queda's not the Taliband's. Not any terrorist . This makes me think you are a terorist and want to make it easy to terrorize the is planet.
I say this terrorist bullshit you may have fed into then.They want to kill you. Dose President Bush want to kill you?
Oh the choices that are there .Terroroist or George Bush which ones to back?People who want to kill you or George Bush. Yeah I can see the confusion you have about this all .Let me end by saying"The universe is unfolding just as it should".What ever gose on here in this blog dose not make a tinkers damn:)
Hey Wolf nice to see you stating your point of view.
This war has to end the sooner the better.
WE did not think we would have peace in Northern Ireland with the I R A. yet it happened. :)
I am sure McCain would do a reasonable job if he were twenty years younger.I think he is a tad too old for the job!
Written in the stars! I don't think so, some folk place too much
trust in written in the stars and fortune tellers.
I just saw that clip no wond er you seem confused Joe Biden is a worst lier than Bush I mean many Dems discredit this present administstration."The republicans are all wrong democrats are the only ones you should listen too.Y America should have more government in thier lives and they should want more taxes cause that is our platform. Why would America want something else.What the rebuplicans are selling instead.Less Governamnet what kind of dumb son of bitch dose not want that is not American.Who ever dose not want more government in thier lives are anti American.
Joe Biden and he dose not spread bullshit do not make me laugh
Hey anon calling Wolf a terrorist is a bit strong ,just cause he has a different point of view to you.
Not the way to win friends and influence folk.
Why not shake hands and be friends ! Life is too short ya know for animosity.:)What ya say guys?
anon 2.
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