Down With The Sickness Saturday
Disturbed - Down With The Sickness
The Wolf Credo: Respect the elders. Teach the young. Cooperate with the pack. Play when you can. Hunt when you must. Rest in between. Share your affections. Voice your feelings. Leave your mark.
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
7:04 AM
One thing that I have observered is there are limits to what my government can do.Sickness is one of them things my govrenment can not stop from happening.
Do a fifth of Jack Daniels it won't cure you but make you so you donot care about being sick.
As for me"You may see me tonight with an illegal smile" nd wish I was sick so I could alter my senses with the sickness I have .Hey I should stay drunk all the time.The I would not care about being sick with out medication.
Dose this may make me my own Dr? Yeah physian heal thy self.Yeah give my self a perscrition of mass ampounts of sex drugs an rock and roll
hey now it is no joke to be sick and not have money for medication.
Only wimps drink one fifthof a bottle .Jack Daniels Yucky yuck. Too sweet for my sensitive palate.
Ok four or five fifths then what ever trips your hammer.I have an illness that will not go away and I am given drugs that alter my sense.There are a shit load more side effects than being hung over.
I stayed drunk for the first five years of my marrage because I thought my wife wanted me to be hung over and here it was over hung.
Jack Daniels too sweet?after a few water glasses it don't mater if it is sweet sour or anythng in between., You can seeI have done reashearch in this area
Maybe Harold and Kumar have the right idea.I know Bill Oreilly dose not know what his is talking about when he aludes to canibis as a narcotic.THe dictionary says it is an herb.The Bible says God brought it forth.Books on Botany and herbs will tell it like it is and it is not what Mr. Orielly is preaching. As a matter of fact it is 180 degrees away from what these books shows.
So how about a bottle of wine and a pound of pot? A glass of wine makes me feel like love or mom ,comforting.Hey that wild man Jesus was a wine bibber.
Ok to be real here I am being treated for a mental illness from the war and I can tell you I have tried everything to relive me of this pain.I have found a glass of wine an a joint dose more for me than all the other medications I am perscribed put tgether.I have seen canibis relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression like right now in many people I have come across in my travels in an out of the hospitals
I have come up with a all daylong workshop to help other veterans deal with PTSD( post traumatic stress disorder).If hemp were legal would use it in my program for sure.
This program is things that have helped me deal with my own condition with movies that have impressed me.My program is from the inside out not from the outside as where psycologist and psychiatrist are coming from.I think that if you put the mind at rest from the illness by medication and medatation and expose them to new thoughts like direct them to door they have never explored before.
Whao shit I am getting blabby maybe I should take some medication .Or it could be because of the medication.Ypu you think do not know because of my medication.
Call this as Blog therapy.Yeah tell your Dr.I got healed with therapy I got from a blog.
hey you,maybe you need to talk about it.No shame in it.If blog therapy works well that is a good thing.
Don't forget laughter is a great
medicine too ya know. :)
Yes laughter is great as it has healed cancer.Talk about I have many psycologist and psychiatris. I have talked so much I consider myself an expret and this memtal illness has a spiritual root to it.
Native american had ceremonuies to clear their warriors spirit.War can curve t your spine ,twist your mind and stop the allies from winning the war
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