Funny Video of The Week
I think I'll start a New Topic. Found this Video awhile ago. Looks more like a Terrier than an Evil Chihuahua
The Wolf Credo: Respect the elders. Teach the young. Cooperate with the pack. Play when you can. Hunt when you must. Rest in between. Share your affections. Voice your feelings. Leave your mark.
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
11:17 AM
Sounds a vicious little bathplug!
No wonder I prefer cats .LOL
anon 2
this dose not load for me is there aproblem?
There is gose.reminds me of Chris Griffin and the evl evil monkey that hides in his closet.
hey I have a wild cat that will show that dog wher the bear took a dump in the buckwheat.As amaater of fact I call him wild cat Dave
I named him aftyer that hermit:
There was and old hermot named Dave who kept two dead woman in his cave one shrivaled and shrunk, the other one stunk but just look at the money Dave saved.
That Dave:))
When videos don't load it usually means that its home site is upgrading or fixing some problems. Come Back later and try again.
Thanks form the update "art aka wolfdancer" are you new to this site?
As amatter of fact I was wonder why this happened
Hey You: I am not new, This is my blog :) I usually don't answer comments but thought people would like to know why some of the videos won't work at times.
Art I was just playing with you I know you own this blog.I do appreciate the info. I was curious and ther you were with the answer.
But it has always been that way with you Art ever since I met you:)
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