Washington Bullets by The Clash
The Album Sandinista, was recorded in 1980, almost 3 decades ago!
The Wolf Credo: Respect the elders. Teach the young. Cooperate with the pack. Play when you can. Hunt when you must. Rest in between. Share your affections. Voice your feelings. Leave your mark.
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
12:56 AM
The Dali Lama and the Pope are suppose to be spiritually connected at least more than the rest of us and yet I do not see there infulence being made felt in the termoils of this world.Might as well say that for the rest of the religions also.I do see the influence of the peoples of this planet in their desire to end strife, to end war. to end pestilence, to end phamon an that is happening outside the religions and it is the way of America and the rst of the world will adopt it sooner or later
But prayers do work
yes I agree prayers do work.
All religions if you disect them are basically the same. it is people that complicate things.
There is light at the end of the tunnel, folks are turning away from religion, they are searching for something.
The 14th Dalai Lama is the head of the Buddhist religion.
Pope Benedict is the head of the Catholic church.They are both men of peace.The monks have been on the streets protesting.what happens, they are rounded up by the chinese.China will never give up Tibet.
Yes as for me I hav adopted the religion as it exsist in the realms of heaven and believe me I do not see anything like it here on earth.In heaven according to Emanual Swedenborg there is no religion in heaven just love for God and the desire to be of service to each other.No yamaca or any kind of hat, berka,habit,robes are required.Being circumized.not eating pork, not eating meet are man made things.
Through out history it is wars based on religion or in the name of God are false reasons to kill what God has created, that is each and every one of us.
Here is something to think about God has given eachn of us freedom of will and religions put a lot of restrictions on us. Makes me think evil ones created reli gion to keep us human confused and figting with one another
Whoo Hoo Wolfie are we stepping over the bounds of your blog .I suppose we are not bashing religions but just asking question here to find the answers we seek that is not found in the churches we attend.Oh this is all religions and it is OK.Whew I thought Iwas one of them who would restrict him self since he is self actulalized SOB
Reminds me of John Lennon.Imagine
the song listen to the words.
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