The Business of America
The Documentary about what happened to Steel Workers when US Steal Left Pittsburgh
My friends and I are in it and I'm credited for helping with the filming
The Wolf Credo: Respect the elders. Teach the young. Cooperate with the pack. Play when you can. Hunt when you must. Rest in between. Share your affections. Voice your feelings. Leave your mark.
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
9:52 PM
Sad what happened there. A well produced and interesting documentry.Was that in the 60.s?
Not sure which one was you Wolf.
Hope this is not sexist! Wolf you the good looking guy with the dark hair and moustache?
the movie was shot in the 80's, I'm the guy in Ronnies office when we got word the mill was closing. I am closest to the camera on the left with red shirt, silver and black hair. I posted a still from the movie before.
Thanks Wolf Ok the goodlooking guy without the moustache. :)
Yeah Art the closing of the steal mills and the coal mines an many other industries went belly up.I was there but underground so you don't see me.I am thee just a couple of hundred feet below everyone else.
Whoa shit seems like I have always been a couple of hundred feet way from the maistream my whole , or hole life.
After almost a dozen hospitalizations for PTSD I went into the mental health feild.I figured it was a sign and there will always be crazies to be healed.Just like a Art did.He is my hero
it's the knock on effect too when something like this happens.It can and does destroy whole communities.
Yet, bring folks closer.
Hey you.
If that is the case you should know better than to call someone who is mentally ill crazy!!!! How would you like to be called that!!!! If you suffer a broken limb do you hear folks saying hey look he is physicall damaged.NO. There should not be a stigma with mental illness. Now look what youv'e gone and done. Got me on my soapbox. :)
The crazies are the providers.I feel more at home with those will metal illnesses.They seem to be highly developed spirtual people .NAMI a most corrupt gruip of people I have ever met.
Let me tell you a true story about a workshop I was invited to dealing with those who are dealing with mental illnesss.The quation was asked by the facilitator if you any one you know has been healed from thier mental illnesses.A few rised theor hands but I was inh the c back of the room just waving my hand off .The filcilitaor ( a lady I knew) yes Bill do you have anything to add.I said well I am not healed form my mental illness but some of my other personallities said they were
LOL That's a joke right?
So you have a name Hey you.
No ot is not a joke but a real event from my life.I just could not help myself when she asked.My name . William Cherry.I am glad my mother did not name me Buster.My internet addy is
When I returned from Veitnam I was called " drug crazed, sex depraved burn out" but I will answer to hey you sometimes.I am being treated for a mental illnes(PTSD).I must say I have developed my own treatment program and I soon hope to run other vets throughit as soon as the VA checks it out.A day long works shop of things movies and such that have helped me.
It's a good thing to want to help others that have suffered the same as you.
Nice talking with you William, take care of yourself, hey you don't forget that .
thanks for your internet addy, but trust me you do not want to hear from me.
annonymoe se what can you do that already hasn't bben done to me already.Say you email me or IM me and I will web cam you.I promse ther will be no nudity from me on it
Awww! schucks! ain't worth my bothering then, no nudity.:)
Just joshing ya.
Well I am 4'2" and weigh eight hunread and 42Lbs.I goa a wooden leg a hook and an eyepatch.My fat takes o up the wj hole frame so you would not seemch maybe a belly button
LOL Now why does that remind me of a Johny Cash song goes something like six foot two he stood on the ground but I saw that giant of a man brought down by a thing called love. Any Johnny Cash fans out there?
they would have to blow me up to reach 6'
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