Wednesday, April 30, 2008

McCain: He was against it before he was for it and was for it before he was against it!

From 2 Political Junkies
As Dayvoe notes here, St. John McCain of the “Straight Talk Express” was against a German/Japan-style US occupation of Iraq before he was for it.

Hey, everyone can change their minds once in a while. It's not like there's a pattern, or anything:

  • McCain flip-flops on TORTURE

  • McCain flip-flops on the RECESSION

  • McCain flip-flops on the ECONOMY

  • McCain flip-flops on READ MY LIPS: NO NEW TAXES

  • McCain flip-flops on OVERTURNING ROE V. WADE

  • McCain flip-flops on PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING

    Anonymous said...

    I bet Hilary is ducking sniper fire right now.And Obama has what it takes to be president.Ithink it is time for a third party

    Anonymous said...

    If the dems get in then you can expect more taxes and n more government not so with John Mc Cain

    Anonymous said...

    How can you say that! America needs a change a change for the better. They need someone to stop the war bleeding them dry.

    have you ever asked yourself where all this money is coming from , behind OBAMA? Barak Hussein Mohammed his true name some say;)
    Think about it.I would not wish to see a muslim in the white house if this is true. Any thoughts on this Wolf?

    Anonymous said...

    Obama isnt a Muslim and I be He wishes he was never a member of Rev Wrights church.

    Anonymous said...

    The change the Democrats want is to taxes us and have more government contri ols over us.Tis is not a change I want.I do not see this as a posituve change.
    Notice I do not say Hillary and Obama as they are a part os a larger part of the party.So far what U hear rom the Democratic party is a heap of bogus statements and thaose that do a re p revevered by Democrats iy like you have pulled the wool over the Americans with the exstrapulation of the facts and we like people who do that.
    So far none who have sent out un true staements such as "Our Tr oops are terrorizing the Iraqi people"When Jhon Kerry made that statement I thougt he was haveing a flash back but Sen Kennedy said the same thing .Harry Reid, Howard Dean .I do not want any of these people and who ever they back for my president.