Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Penguins 5 Rangers 3
Evgeni Malkin, middle, celebrates with Georges Laraque, left, and Petr Sykora after Laraque's goal in the first period last night at Madison Square Garden. Malkin had an assist on the goal and also scored twice to help the Penguins take a 3-0 lead in the series.
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
7:47 AM
McCain: He was against it before he was for it and was for it before he was against it!
From 2 Political Junkies
As Dayvoe notes here, St. John McCain of the “Straight Talk Express” was against a German/Japan-style US occupation of Iraq before he was for it.
Hey, everyone can change their minds once in a while. It's not like there's a pattern, or anything:
McCain flip-flops on TORTURE McCain flip-flops on the RECESSION McCain flip-flops on the ECONOMY McCain flip-flops on READ MY LIPS: NO NEW TAXES McCain flip-flops on OVERTURNING ROE V. WADE McCain flip-flops on PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
6:54 AM
Shake Your Moneymaker - Paul Butterfield Blues Band
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
6:49 AM
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday Night with Dylan
Bob Dylan - Shelter From the Storm
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
1:00 AM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Asshole of the Week
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
5:18 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
AIn't Gonna Vote For No Sexist
from Think Progress
McCain dismisses equal pay legislation, says women need more ‘training and education.’
Today, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) skipped the vote on the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which “restores the longstanding interpretation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act,” overturned last year by a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling. In New Orleans today, McCain explained his opposition to the bill by claiming it “opens us up to lawsuits for all kinds of problems.” Later in New Orleans, he added that instead of legislation allowing women to fight for equal pay, they simply need “education and training“:
“They need the education and training, particularly since more and more women are heads of their households, as much or more than anybody else,” McCain said. “And it’s hard for them to leave their families when they don’t have somebody to take care of them.
“It’s a vicious cycle that’s affecting women, particularly in a part of the country like this, where mining is the mainstay; traditionally, women have not gone into that line of work, to say the least,” he said.
The issue is not “education and training.” When denied equal pay by her supervisor, Lilly Ledbetter was doing the exact same job as her male counterparts and received numerous performance-based awards. McCain has a long record of failure on women’s issues, earning him a 0 percent rating from NARAL ProChoice America six years in a row, from 2001-2007
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
9:00 AM
Letterman - Top 10 Ways Bush Can Improve His Approval Rating
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
8:24 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
60 Percent Of EPA Staff Have ‘Personally Experienced’ ‘Political Interference’
from Think Progress
Today, the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) released a report detailing the increasing politicization of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Of the nearly 1,600 EPA staff scientists surveyed, 889 of them — 60 percent — “said they had personally experienced at least one instance of political interference in their work over the last five years.” Other key findings from the report:
– 394 scientists (31 percent) personally experienced frequent or occasional “statements by EPA officials that misrepresent scientists’ findings.”
– 285 scientists (22 percent) said they frequently or occasionally personally experienced “selective or incomplete use of data to justify a specific regulatory outcome.”
– 224 scientists (17 percent) said they had been “directed to inappropriately exclude or alter technical information from an EPA scientific document.”
– Hundreds of scientists reported being unable to openly express concerns about the EPA’s work without fear of retaliation; 492 (31 percent) felt they could not speak candidly within the agency and 382 (24 percent) felt they could not do so outside the agency.
What’s more, among the various offices and divisions of the EPA, the National Center for Environmental Assessment — “where scientists conduct risk assessments that could lead to strengthened regulations” — had the highest percentage of scientists reporting interferences, at 84 percent. This is unsurprising, considering that some of the highest profile examples of prioritizing ideology over science have occurred when the White House wants to weaken environmental regulation:
– Bush intervened at the 11th hour to weaken or kill scientifically-recommended standards on ozone protection. [3/18/08]
– Johnson ignored EPA staffers to reject California’s waiver to strengthen greenhouse gas emissions standards. [12/21/07]
– The EPA concealed a scientific study that “would have forced the agency to consider more stringent controls” on acceptable mercury levels. [3/22/05]
Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Henry Waxman (D-CA) wrote a letter today to Johnson, warning him that, when Johnson testifies in May, he should “expect members of the Committee to ask about these survey results and other evidence of political interference with science at EPA.”
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
3:36 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Four Sacred Things
by Starhawk from her book "The Fifth Sacred Thing"
The earth is a living, conscious being. In company with cultures of many different times and places, we name these things as sacred: air, fire, water, and earth.
Whether we see them as the breath, energy, blood, and body of the Mother, or as the blessed gifts of a Creator, or as symbols of the interconnected systems that sustain life, we know that nothing can live without them.
To call these things sacred is to say that they have a value beyond their usefulness for human ends, that they themselves become the standards by which our acts, our economics, our laws, and our purposes must be judged. No one has the right to appropriate them or profit from them at the expense of others. Any government that fails to protect them forfeits its legitimacy.
All people, all living things, are part of the earth life, and so are sacred. No one of us stands higher or lower than any other. Only justice can assure balance: only ecological balance can sustain freedom. Only in freedom can that fifth sacred thing we call spirit flourish in its full diversity.
To honor the sacred is to create conditions in which nourishment, sustenance, habitat, knowledge, freedom, and beauty can thrive. To honor the sacred is to make love possible.
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
2:29 PM
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
9:00 AM
Strange Days on Planet Earth with Edward Norton
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
8:54 AM
It's Earth Day Folks
Earth Day IS Every Day
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
8:11 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Business of America
The Documentary about what happened to Steel Workers when US Steal Left Pittsburgh
My friends and I are in it and I'm credited for helping with the filming
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
9:52 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Saturday with The Band and Staples
Can You Remember When Music From Big Pink Came Out?
One of the best Albums Ever!
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
8:08 AM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Protest, Resistance, and Dissent in Native Americans
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
7:43 PM
Washington Bullets by The Clash
The Album Sandinista, was recorded in 1980, almost 3 decades ago!
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
12:56 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Comment Rules
I think its about time I lay down some rules about leaving comments on the blog. There is a reason I moderate comments; I don't want this blog to turn into a trash talking, hateful blog like some others I have seen. Yes there are limits to Free Speech on this blog.
1. No Trashing Other Races
2. No Trashing Other Religions
3. No Sexist Remarks
4. No Racist or Sexual Remarks of any kind.
I've had to delete a few comments in the last few days, So don't e-mail me if yours was one of those.
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
7:46 PM
New features in Google Earth 4.3
Check out the Street View box as well
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
3:55 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Obama mocks Clinton 'throwing back a shot and a beer'
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (CNN) — Barack Obama furthered his recent criticisms of Hillary Clinton Monday by mocking the fact that she recently "threw back a shot and a beer" in front of the media.
After first saying too many candidates are only giving voters "rhetoric," the Illinois senator said, "They'll promise you anything. They'll even give you a long list of proposals. They'll even come around with TV crews in tow and throw back a shot and a beer."
The shot came Saturday at Bronko’s Restaurant in Crown Point, Indiana. With the national media in tow, Clinton made a stop there to drink a beer and speak with voters. After ordering her beer the bartender asked, “You want a shot with that Hillary?” After some deliberation, Clinton settled on a shot of Crown Royal, a Canadian whiskey.
But Obama is not totally in the clear himself when it comes to photo-ops at bars. The White House hopeful nursed a beer in front of cameras with Pennsylvania senator Bob Casey at a sports bar during his Pennsylvania bus tour earlier this month. He has since mentioned that moment of drinking in front of audiences on the trail in the Keystone State.
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
11:03 AM
An Agenda For Unmarried Women
From Think Progress Wonk Room
Today, the Center for American Progress Action Fund released a report in conjunction with Women’s Voices Women Vote looking at the hard realities currently facing unmarried women. Unmarried women unfortunately make less money, have fewer assets, face decreased job security and have less access to health care than their single male, or married female, counterparts.
This study uncovers some striking data:
– Economic Vulnerability: More than 40 percent of unmarried women have household incomes of less than $30,000 a year. That’s much worse than married women and married men, and worse than unmarried men.
– Less Pay at Work: Unmarried women make less than others for the same work, and earn only 56 cents to every dollar a married man earns.
– Increased Responsibility for Children: The responsibility for taking care of children often falls on unmarried women: There are 12.2 million single-parent families in America, and more than 10 million are headed by single mothers.
– Missing Health Care: Unmarried women are more likely than other Americans to have no health insurance. They were twice as likely to be unable to afford medical care in the past year as women who were married.
– Reliance on Social Security: More than 25 percent of unmarried women rely on Social Security as their only source of income.
The looming 2008 election provides a unique opportunity to do more than just highlight the troubles confronting unmarried women, but to also suggest a progressive agenda for policy reform. For the past eight years, unmarried woman have felt the pains brought on by the Bush Administration’s snub of the middle class. The CAPAF report suggests that unmarried women’s lives can be improved by:
–Expanding Opportunity by Rewarding Work: equal pay, earned income tax credits, minimum wage increases, college affordability, energy policies, job creation, education promotion.
A New, Stronger Social Contract: child care, renewed FMLA, social security protection, universal 401K accounts, affordable housing.
Resolving the War in Iraq: diplomacy, global responsibility, redeployment.
Improved Health Care for All: Universal coverage, contraception and reproductive health education, the right to choose.
Comprising more than one quarter of those voting in 2008, it is the responsibility of our next president to address the needs of America’s single, divorced and widowed women as we break free from eight years of conservative, regressive policies. American women demand it.
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
8:57 AM
National Heads Up Poker
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
8:26 AM
Impeach Bush and Cheney for Torture
e-mail from Democrats. com
On Friday, George Bush told ABC News he personally approved of the approval of torture - including waterboarding - by Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and George Tenet.
"Yes, I'm aware our national security team met on this issue. And I approved."
In the wake of this shocking and appalling confession, we've come to a historic moment where every American - and every Member of Congress - must take a stand.
Either you're for torture or you're against it. And if you're against it, you must support the only Constitutional remedy for a President and Vice President who commit war crimes: impeachment.
Tell Congress to Impeach Bush and Cheney for Torture
Dr. Martin Luther King famously said of the Vietnam War, "A time comes when silence is betrayal."
When our President and Vice President personally approve torture, that time is now.
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
8:17 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Hungry in America
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
8:27 AM
Quins win !!!!!
Malone's wraparound power-play goal with 1:02 left sets up 5-3 win, spoils Ottawa's big comeback. Hometown Boy Makes Good!!!!
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
7:46 AM
Friday, April 11, 2008
Buffy Sainte-Marie - "Universal Soldier"
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
12:34 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Its that time of the year again - Go Yankees
Abbot and Costello - Who's on First
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
10:54 AM
Dennis Kucinich *WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?!!!!!*
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
9:57 AM
Lets Go Pens!!!!

Ryan Whitney, left, and Georges Laraque, facing, celebrate the first of Gary Roberts' two goals last night at Mellon Arena. Penguins 4 Ottawa 0 1st game
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
8:07 AM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Olympic Torch extinguished twice French Coverage
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
1:23 PM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Asshole of the Week
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
8:10 AM
Friday, April 4, 2008
U2 - Pride
January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
6:42 PM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Helter Skelter X
Not supporting Mike Gravel, but its a cool video
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
8:17 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
THE NIGHTWATCHMAN (Tom Morello) "Road I Must Travel"
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
6:39 PM
Montel to Bush - Stop turning your back on Vets
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
6:02 PM
Dance of wolves - Music by: Lorena McKennitt - Mummers dance
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
11:08 AM