Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Just wait till she comes to PA


Anonymous said...

Will Hillary get a warm reception there? In P A.

Anonymous said...

Hey I predict that the next president will be Rebublican.No matter what happens in Pa.Mcain and Hucklebee, or Mcain and Joseph Leiberman is as close as I can see it now

Anonymous said...

Nope your wrong betcha.
Good ole Hillary will win this.

Art L aka Wolfdancer said...

PA is a fun state when it comes to elections. As long as I've lived here the voting has always broken down like this; East and West very liberal, center of the state very conservative. I look at the PA primary like this; Obama will get most of his votes around Philly and very few else where. People got down on Rendell when he talked about Racism in PA, It's true, that doesn't mean I support it.

Anonymous said...

Does that mean mr wolf that you think little ole Hillary will win in that state?
I am not a racist either.

Art L aka Wolfdancer said...

The way I see it Hillary 60 Obama 40

Anonymous said...

Well I am a racist, mostly the human race in all of it's veriations.
I hate but I hate every one equally all 6.5 billion of you.
I also hate to tell you are next president will not be Democrat.I will be because thw d Democrats like Harry Reid and ted Kennedy,not to exclude John Kerry.Al of the d Democrats who ai our troops were terrorizing the Iraqi people.Hell the way they were explaining it Our troops .Men an woman of the armed fprces of the USA were raping the Iraqi's family camel.And therse folks are not excomunicated from the pary? No they seem revered buty the party and folks those who speak bogus statements such as what these people and others in the Democratic Pary and not be chastized for it will not become a party that will produce a president.
Our country has always been given the proper person at the right time to lead our nation.Yes God has blessed this country only because we are the most generious people in the face earth.
I am telling you from a spirtual perspective the Hillary has no chance of becoming president or Osama because of the shitty things thier party wants America to blieve.Lack of ingetrity will cause them to loose.
hey Art six people read this .Moving on up bro

Anonymous said...

Hillary will win she spoke with the bergemeisters.
All governments are for themselves more than for the sheeple people.

Anonymous said...

Wolf I got it wrong when I said bergemeisters.Must have been thinging about MacDonalds.
Still sounds like a fast food joint!