Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2007 Asshole of the Year


Anonymous said...

I am wondering who you are going to hate when Bush is no longer president.You seem a Hilary supportter with your attitude here .I know the Democrats do not have the integrity enough to get my vote.
Fostering hate keeps you vibrating at a lower rate.Untill you are able to not hate you will be keeping your self in the darl Art.
Hate for the sake of hateing the Boneheads will get you

Anonymous said...

Lets see
If you have noticed, I have not supported any candidate on this blog and I don't expect to. You talk about integrity but never talk about how this administration has lied (WMDs, skirted the law (Wire Taps), and the many ways they fucked up this country (if your not with us, your against us). You talk about integrity - lets talk about outing a CIA agent but then destroying tapes because they claim the didn't want to out those CIA agents. I vibrate at a HIGHER rate cause I can see through their games and don't hate a religious group because some of their more crazy members made it bad for the rest of them. I wasn't talking about Christians (in case you missed it) I was talking about Muslims) but then again xains have screwed up the world more than these fanatics ever will.
You have no right to judge me. I don't hate anyone cause that would not be Pagan of me. But I can see with my own eyes how Politicians have not only screwed up my country but the rest of the world as well.
Doesn't matter if they are Democraps or or Replocraps.