Pook says - don't get any Ideas Wolf
So there is this cat in Germany that wears a camera around his neck. Hmm Wolf, that would be very boring for your readers if you made one of those for me. How many pictures of our two room apartment would I have to snap before you lost most of my fans? It's bad enough that you only let me post once a week to your blog. You know that most of them come here to see me.
I got bigger things on my mind to worry about. Like that City Councilman that wants me to wear a collar or get chipped and get a license. What, is he Nutz? Me wear a collar, hahhaha. I never ever get to go outside, where ever that is. Remember the time you tried to put a flea collar around my neck that I manged to get off and hide? I like that liquid flea killer better. OK, You can go back to posting that boring political stuff, but I admit, I do like some of the music videos.
As always
Pook T. Cat
See you all Saturday
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