The Eagles - Hole In The World
The world has gone nutz since 9-11, it would be nice if these so called world leaders would stop for a few seconds and listen to this song!
The Wolf Credo: Respect the elders. Teach the young. Cooperate with the pack. Play when you can. Hunt when you must. Rest in between. Share your affections. Voice your feelings. Leave your mark.
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
9:09 PM
"Let who you are ring out and resonate in every word and every deed. Yes, become who you are. There's no sidestepping your own being or your responsibility. What you do is who you are. You are your own comeuppance. You become your own message. You are the message."
~the poem Silence, by Leonard Peltier
Prison Writings: My life is My Sundance
Free Leonard!
Posted by
Art L aka Wolfdancer
8:17 PM